Irene Calo
Offering Alchemy for your healing journey.

My Journey
I started my professional journey on this path after I had the tools, knowledge and experience to assist and heal myself. This was after a challenging period of time. Doctor after doctor and tests after tests, I went home with no answers yet I had an overwhelming sense of wanting to crawl out of my skin. It felt uncomfortable to be me. My anxiety level was through the roof and my fear was debilitating. Every night, I prayed I would wake up the next morning alive. I didn't recognize myself, I had become so afraid of my own shadow. I was afraid of going outside after dark, of meeting people, of being out in public, of being in densely populated places.
I would cry, "THIS IS NOT ME!!!" I felt isolated, alone and out of my body. I had no control over any emotions, feelings or my body. Everything was OUT OF CONTROL.
Time was passing, I was getting worse and I knew deep inside I needed help and that is the moment I started my search. I dove into esoteric philosophies, metaphysical studies and ancient wisdom. I was able to gain some pieces to the puzzle and the picture was formulated. I met amazing teachers and guides along the way. What seemed like the most challenging (health wise) and scariest time happened to be the biggest blessing.
Finally, I started opening up to my true nature and the path I was meant to be on. I learned first hand what energetic imbalances can do to you physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. She was amazed at how we can easily tap into different dimensions and be aware of shifting timelines as we create from a place of coherence.
She assists clients in understanding the wisdom that is shared through spirit and becoming aware of the important inner components of the inner self for achieving their highest potential and harnessing & mastering their own inner power.
Soul Coherence is about communicating on the soul level. Having deep conversation and exploration. Learning about the I AM of who you are! I want to create a sacred & safe container or space where we may discuss, explore, learn & create. Join the member section of this site if this resonates with you.
​Spiritual or Inner Alchemy is the ancient process of Inner Illumination by purification of our physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, etheric bodies to allow more light or universal energy or GOD to flow in. This will lead one to Inner Liberation through transformation and change. Simply, it's the process of freeing yourself from the things that make you feel trapped: fears, unconscious beliefs, wounds, conflicts and self destructive behaviors, concepts, thoughts and opinions due to attachments, avoidance and inner identification.
What do you crave the most?
Perhaps the goal is to achieve joy, peace, happiness, harmony and awareness ultimately reaching Self Actualization and Mastery.
This site is coded with light information, content and offerings that will gently guide you back to that deep self/soul/spirit connection you have been longing for. This will take place subtly. Explore this site, sign up for the newsletter, book a session, attend a guided meditation, a course or class, watch a video or get on social. Lets connect!
I AM in gratitude that you stopped by.